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We believe all children should to be able to communicate their ideas, knowledge and feelings effectively as writers. We want children to be able to write for different purposes and in different genres using appropriate and ambitious vocabulary. We want children to enjoy the creative process of writing. 

Children are taught writing through a topic based approach. This allows children to have the knowledge, experience and vocabulary to draw upon when writing and to ensure that they are writing for purpose. Genres and grammar skills are re-visited year on year building on children’s knowledge and skills.


High expectations are given to children’s presentation of their writing and all children are expected to have legible, cursive handwriting by Year 6.



At Crawford Primary School, we intend for all children to become curious, enthusiastic and motivated readers. Their confidence in reading is developed through exposure to a wide variety of genres and text types.


All children gain the skills to decode words in order to be able to read fluently with understanding of what they have read. We also encourage a love of literature and an enjoyment of reading for pleasure and use reading to provoke thought within children. 


We want our children to be equipped with the scientific knowledge to have a good understanding of the world around them. All children are encouraged to develop and use a range of skills including observations, planning and investigations, as well as being encouraged to question the world around them and become independent learners in exploring possible answers for their scientific based questions. We aim for all children to use clear scientific vocabulary so they can explain their reasoning and make careful observations. 

Science is carefully mapped, allowing for progression on a child’s journey from EYFS to year 6. The science curriculum is based on the National Curriculum following key programmes of study, and is purposefully sequenced to equip children with the knowledge and skills needed in preparation for their future learning.  

Scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each topic the children study and these topics are revisited and developed throughout their time at school. This allows children to build upon their prior knowledge. 



At Crawford we believe that children should have both depth in their understanding of different art skills, as well as breadth in their understanding of how to apply these across a variety of mediums. 


Children’s skills and confidence in art should progress fully, not only year on year, but also term on term. Each year group explores a medium in depth over each term, and it is through this medium that children will creatively develop their understanding of the topics they are learning whilst also developing key art skills. 


Over a two-year cycle each child will have had a chance to explore and develop skills in the 6 main art mediums: painting, drawing, sculpture, print, collage and textiles. 


History is taught in a cross curricular way to enable children to make links and connections with their learning throughout their school learning journey from nursery to year six. Through Humanities, Crawford children develop the ability to ask questions and develop their own understanding of their world.


The history curriculum is based on the national curriculum and is carefully sequenced so that knowledge and skills build on what was taught before working towards designed end points.  

We want children to be inquisitive historians, able to use a range of resources to learn about the past. We want children to have a good chronological understanding and to be able to make links between historical events and the present day. We ensure out history curriculum is reflective of our community 



Geography is taught in a cross curricular way to enable children to make links and connections with their learning throughout their school learning journey from nursery to year six. Through Humanities, Crawford children develop the ability to ask questions and develop their own understanding of their world. 


We want our children to explore, appreciate and understand the world in which we live and how it has evolved. We aim for children to have an understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments as well as an understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. 


Our curriculum is designed to provide our children with the subject specific language they need to describe, question and discuss the world. Children are able to practice their geographical skills, including fieldwork skills such as map reading through local area studies and visits. The geography curriculum is based on the national curriculum and is carefully sequenced so that knowledge and skills build on what was taught before working towards designed end points.

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