By the time children leave Crawford Primary school we intend for them to be resilient, confident and kind young people who:
know how to make positive choices
can manage and communicate their emotions
keep themselves healthy and safe
take responsibility for their decisions
dream big for themselves.
At Crawford we encourage inclusiveness and celebrate the differences which make each of us unique. By doing so we hope to instil in children a sense of pride in themselves and their community. It is important that children develop a voice whilst at Crawford primary school and know that their voice can be powerful when used in the correct way.
Our personal development curriculum delivers all aspects of the statutory guidance and reflects the specific needs of our children. RSE and PSHE, British values, SMSC, emotional well-being, character development and pupil voice and citizenship are delivered through various parts of our curriculum as well as wider school activities and links with other community groups. For further details, please see below.
Our school values were voted on by our school community. Children receive house points for showing these values and are nominated by their peers in our weekly Tuesday assembly.