The role of the LAB is an important one, ensuring there is local accountability for the performance of our school and that our school achieves strong outcomes for the pupils and the communities we serve.
The role of the LAB Chair is to:
Provide a clear lead and direction for the LAB, understanding the aims and vision of the school and wider Federation and the roles played by all those involved
Build an effective team, helping to ensure the LAB has the necessary skills and experience, that it promotes equality and diversity and that members can make a positive contribution to driving schools’ improvement with support and development provided to do this
Work closely with the Headteacher to ensure there is proper challenge and support
Hold the LAB to account, ensuring all business is conducted efficiently and effectively, ensuring members attend regularly, have the opportunity to contribute and are listened to with clear decisions being made when necessary.
Work with the Headteacher and clerk to ensure meetings are carefully planned
The LAB complete a site visit to the school once a term. These visits will have a particular area of focus, including standards, safeguarding and pupil voice. The LAB also hold a termly meeting with the headteacher and the associate governors so that there is local accountability for the performance of the school.
Our LAB Chair is Patrick Brione.